Life Without Laundry Logo
Life Without Laundry Logo
Terms and Conditions

The legal (boring) stuff... Queue the guy that speaks really fast on infomercials...

You have clothes that need to get cleaned and it is our goal at Life Without Laundry LLC to get the job done with the utmost care, quality, and expedience. We use the most modern equipment available and give each one of your garments the individual care it deserves.

By signing up online and creating an account with Life Without Laundry LLC, you agree to the following terms and conditions; These terms and conditions are subject to change and though we try to keep our customers as up to date as much as possible with any changes, it is the responsibility of you, the customer, to review these terms prior to purchase of any services.

If you are not 100% pleased with our services, if any of your items are missing, or to report any damage to your garments, you must contact our customer service number (617-768-7779) within 24 hours of your scheduled delivery date and time. After this period, no refunds will be given or claims responded to.

Our wash / dry / fold service is for a minimum of 15 lbs and is set up in per lb rate of $2.50, plus a processing fee of $5.95 per order. The bags will be weighed at our facility and we reserve the right to automatically bill the credit or debit card you have provided for your purchase. Life Without Laundry LLC will not honor any weighing disputes and we do not give any refunds for claims involving load weight.

At Life Without Laundry LLC, we individually inspect every item at the facility before and after they are processed and do our best to find any items that may have been forgotten by a customer in pockets or other areas of the laundry. However Life Without Laundry is not responsible for any items left in pockets such as pens or other items which may harm laundry during the washing or drying processes. Additionally, any items which are purposely tore or damaged such as jeans, denim garments, etc… by the manufacturer of the garment or the customer can never be included in any damage claim for any reason.

All of our wash/dry/fold cycles use cold washes. This means that we will never honor any claims of shrinking, color fading, or color blending. These are all normal occurrences to some degree in all laundry processes and will never be considered a form of damage by Life Without Laundry LLC. Additionally, some stains cannot be removed in a cold wash. We do not promise to remove any stain but make sure to spot treat any stain with a removing-pen and or liquid substance and double check the stain before the drying process.

There are some stains that have been scientifically proven not to appear until exposed to water or heat. Such stains typically have a sugar base. Some examples of stains are alcohol and juices. Such stains can be proved in a lab, but the expense is $200 to test. If it turns out that Life Without Laundry LLC is responsible for the discoloration, then Life Without Laundry LLC will assume the lab charge and suitable reparation for the garment. If Life Without Laundry LLC is not responsible for the discoloration, i.e., it is a sugar based stain that was invisible before exposure to water/heat, the customer is responsible for the lab charge and will not be reimbursed for the garment. No garment will ever be sent to a lab without customer’s request. Life Without Laundry LLC does not use sugar based stains as an escape clause for damaged garments since it is easy for an expert to identify the cause of a stain.

By putting any item into your laundry or dry cleaning bags, you are guaranteeing ownership and responsibility of that item. We highly recommend not including items that do not belong to you such as your roommates’ or friends’ to avoid any conflict. If they really need a specific item to be washed, have them set up a separate account separate their belongings. Also by putting an item into your laundry bag you consent the item can be washed dried and folded (for laundry orders) or dry cleaned (for dry cleaning orders). You can customize your order online and request things like "air dry" etc. This is allowed but it is the customers responsibility to list special notes online and to ensure the notes are clear online, and the air dry items are bagged up separate from regular laundry, before sending out a garment which cannot be done by our default washing technique (cold water wash and Medium heat dry). No claims for handwash items will ever be honored. We try to be as delicate as possible but we have commercial grade machines and sending out handwash only items is at the customers risk solely.

If you wish to report a missing or stolen item, you must be able to provide a specific description of the item such as the type of garment, brand, color, size… While we will investigate any claim of stolen or missing items to the best of our ability, we do not offer any compensation for missing or stolen garments. Because we take such care in individually handling and sorting garments, we find that the vast majority of claims are in fact the fault of the customer misplacing or simply not including a garment that they thought was in their laundry bag. We recommend including a detailed list of all items in the bag which will be checked upon reaching our facility if this is a concern. This list will not be considered a formal form of inventory, but it will help us to identify the items you include.

At Life Without Laundry LLC, we make sure to individually handle and check all items for damages, contents, and to count each item. This happens before and after the wash/dry/fold and dry cleaning process. We accept no financial responsibility for any items left in the customers garments like cash, jewelry, credit cards, etc… We practice extremely thorough pocket checks for any items such as ink pens, markers, highlighters, makeup, or other items which may cause serious damage to your garments, but accept no responsibility for damages that are caused by these items. The best way to ensure that these damages never occur is to do what we do before you send it in. Check each individual item before putting it in the laundry / dry cleaning bag, even if it doesn’t have pockets. And also double check to make sure nothing other then your garments found its way into your laundry / dry cleaning bag.

While we try as hard as we can to make our service as convenient for you as possible, we do not accept responsibility for items lost or stolen if they are left for pickup at a pre-designated area rather then a hand to hand exchange from customer to driver.

Once you have placed an order with Life Without Laundry LLC and set a pickup and delivery date and time, you cannot change any services required within 24 hours of your scheduled pick-up time. To avoid any conflict, please make sure you schedule the job you want us to do carefully so we can meet your needs to the best of our abilities.

Wash Dry Fold Policy - Life Without Laundry LLC will not cover any reimbursement over $200 total for any order or any individual item over $20. Life Without Laundry reserves the right to decide if any reimbursement will be in cash or credit (to our services) form. We are also not responsible for any fire, theft, lost items, flooding, or other occurrence out of the control of Life Without Laundry LLC and it's employees.

Dry Cleaning / Tailoring Policy- Life Without Laundry LLC exercises the utmost care in processing articles entrusted to us and use such processes which, in our opinion are the best suited to the nature and condition of each individual article. Nevertheless we cannot assume responsibility for inherent weaknesses of or defects in materials that are not readily apparent prior to processing. This applies particularly, but not exclusively, to suedes, leathers, silks, satins, double face fabrics, vinyls, pulyurethanes, etc... Responsibility also is disclaimed for trimmings, buckles, belts, beads, buttons, and sequins. In cleaning we cannot guarantee against color loss and shrinkage; or against damage to weak and tender fabrics. Differences in count must be reported within 24 hours. Any reimbursement considered, is 100% at our own discretion, and will be calculated at 5x the cleaning cost (price on website for item) and $200 max per order. Unless a list accompanied the bundle our count must be accepted. The company's liability with respect to any lost article shall not exceed 5 times our charge for processing it. Also if dry cleaning is not put in a separate bag and instead put into the same bag with regular wash dry fold, Life Without Laundry reserves the right to refuse any liability for those clothes if washed. Please always use a separate bag for dry cleaning as we request in our FAQ’s and during checkout. Makes it easy on all of us. Thank you!

Life Without Laundry LLC reserves the right to change these terms at any time and refuse service to any customer should conflict arise. All of our operating information such as prices and operating hours can be found on our website. We will never take a order by phone and if any necessary information is missing for a customers account, we reserve the right to refuse service. If you want to tip a driver directly please do so in cash in person. Nothing extra provided online goes to drivers. All tipping, if you choose to do any, should be done in person in the form of cash, at the time of the pickup or the delivery.

Life Without Laundry LLC also reserves the right to cancel any order and issue a full refund of any money spent on said order if there is a pricing error or website glitch which led to improper payment amounts received. Life Without Laundry LLC also is not responsible for any monthly services started by a user. It is the user's sole responsibility to start and stop these services and any failure to do so will not result in a refund from Life Without Laundry LLC. The user is responsible for stopping monthly services which can easily be accessed under the My Plans tab when logged in.

Due to the unpredictability of weather conditions at certain times of the year, Life Without Laundry reserves the right to make any pickup or delivery cancellations for the safety of the drivers. Contact will be made with the customer as soon as possible so that a future pickup/delivery may be made. All attempts will made to honor the original pickup and delivery times before resorting to a schedule change.

Did you just read that whole thing? Impressive lol... That all being said bottom line we will take great care of your stuff and provide you with a high level of customer service... Just set up the order! :-)

© 2023 Life Without Laundry, All Rights Reserved.